"It happened that green and crazy summer when Frankie was twelve years old. This was the summer when for a long time she had not been a member. She belonged to no club ans was a member of nothing in the world. Frankie had become an unjoined person who hung around in doorways, and she was afraid."
The Member of the Wedding, Carson McCullers
Título en español: "Frankie y el casamiento". Ayer ví una edición de Six Barral de las obras completas con comentarios de Fresán. Encabeza mi wish list.
ResponderBorraroh está en casa de mamá este Frankie en una edición viejita, lo voy a leer, amo a Carson
ResponderBorrarFrankie es una nena.
ResponderBorrarme diste gabas de comprarlo.
ResponderBorrarComprele, comprele.